Septic Systems Septic systems treat and disperse relatively small volumes of wastewater from individual and small numbers of homes and commercial buildings. Septic system regulation is usually a state and local responsibility. The EPA provides information to homeowners and assistance to state and local governments to improve the management of septic systems to prevent failures
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Blog Posts
Holiday Home Safety Tips
The winter holidays are a time for celebration, and that means more cooking, home decorating, entertaining, and an increased risk of fire and accidents. Follow these guidelines to help make your holiday season safer and more enjoyable. Holiday Lighting Use caution with holiday decorations and, whenever possible, choose those made with flame-resistant, flame-retardant and non-combustible materials.
Read MoreMy Property is Contaminated by Methamphetamine Smoke – Now What?
You have been a property owner for years with a good rent flow. It is time to move on from a particular property, so you have decided to sell. You find a great RE Agent and list your property for sale. A buyer comes along and loves the property and now you are under contract.
Read MoreBuilding Orientation for Optimum Energy
Building orientation is the practice of facing a building so as to maximize certain aspects of its surroundings, such as street appeal, to capture a scenic view, for drainage considerations, etc. With rising energy costs, it’s becoming increasingly important for builders to orient buildings to capitalize on the Sun’s free energy. For developers and builders, orienting
Read MoreHomeowner Maintenance: Changing the HVAC Filter
Part of responsible homeownership includes, of course, regular home maintenance. And there are some tasks that, if deferred, can lead to a home system that’s inefficient and overworked, which can result in problems and expenses. One such task is changing the filter of the home’s HVAC system. It’s simple and inexpensive, and taking care of
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