Safe Home Environmental – Home Testing Services
Inspect Montana
would like to introduce
Safe Home Environmental
It has been Inspect Montana’s goal from the beginning to offer our clients and their real estate agents home-testing support services that help them during real estate adventures. We have endeavored to be the very best property inspection company in Montana.
To meet our goal, Inspect Montana has continued to develop our inspectors, increased the number of our inspectors, added support staff, and increased the ancillary testing services available with inspections.
Today we offer radon testing, water sampling, mold testing, lead-based paint testing, asbestos testing, meth testing, and sewer scope video analysis. For all of these tests if there is a certification available by state or federal government agency or industry trade certification we have taken the time to obtain those certifications.
It just seemed to make sense to take our testing services and make them available to any property owner. So it is our good pleasure to introduce to you,
Safe Home’s purpose is 3 fold, to support the testing services needs for inspections by Inspect Montana, to be available to anyone concerned about their property who would like to do some testing to ensure things are in good order, and to continue to develop more services to help improve the lives of property owners in western Montana.
For those of you who utilize Inspect Montana, nothing will change for you. All your interactions will continue as before. If you happen to be interested in our testing services without needing a property inspection, Safe Home is set up with its own servicing and billing department.
To schedule a testing service directly, please call 406-961-9602 or contact us at [email protected].
To schedule an inspection, please call 406-241-9464 or contact [email protected]
Committed to Your Safety and Peace of Mind – Jennifer Thorne Testing Services Manager | IAC2 Certified for Mold & Radon | NRPP Certified: 113525-RMP, 113629-RMS | DEQ Meth Certified: MCP-0146-C